

The province of Drenthe regards good and safe accessibility as an important condition for the desired spatial, economic and social development of the Province of Drenthe. The road safety plan Drenthe 2011-2020 (sustainable safety) is aimed at prevention or, if not...
Improvement infrastructure cycling network

Improvement infrastructure cycling network

Drenthe has an extensive and well connected network of bicycle paths (approximately 2,100 kilometres), for both recreational cycling and cycling to school, work and other destinations. The Province of Drenthe is improving the quality of this network in 2 ways:...


About It is clear that bicycles and Drenthe are inextricably linked. The topic and activity of cycling contributes to various goals: Drenthe becomes healthier, more sustainable and the economy gets a boost. In order to create an offer that fits the wishes of cyclists...


About The good cycling image of Drenthe is partly the result of events such as the Tour of Drenthe, the Fiets4daagse (4-day bicycle tour) and the Super Prestige in Gieten. When Emmen was allowed to organise the National Championship Cycling 2015, it was decided to...
Cycling to school and cycling to work

Cycling to school and cycling to work

About If we want everyone to go cycling … there has to be a suitable bicycle for everyone. Besides the people who make the conscious choice not to have a bicycle, there are several reasons why at the moment about 1% of the inhabitants of Drenthe (easily 5000...

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